Source code for pytest_grunnur.plugin

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Iterable, TypeVar, Optional, List, Iterator, Any, Tuple, cast

import pytest

from grunnur import API, all_api_ids, Platform, PlatformFilter, Device, DeviceFilter, Context

[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser: pytest.Parser) -> None: """ Adds the following command-line options: * ``--api``: select a specific API to test (out of returned by :py:func:`grunnur.all_api_ids`). * ``--platform-include-mask``: run tests only on platforms whose names matches the mask. * ``--platform-exclude-mask``: exclude platforms whose names matches the mask from the tests. * ``--device-include-mask``: run tests only on devices whose names matches the mask. * ``--device-exclude-mask``: exclude devices whose names matches the mask from the tests. * ``--include-duplicate-devices``: if there are devices with the same name in the platform, run tests on all of them. * ``--include-pure-parallel-devices``: include pure parallel devices in the tests (that is, those not supporting synchronization within a block/work group). """ api_shortcuts = [api_id.shortcut for api_id in all_api_ids()] parser.addoption( "--api", action="store", help="GPGPU API: " + "/".join(api_shortcuts) + " (or all available if not given)", default=None, choices=api_shortcuts, ) parser.addoption( "--platform-include-mask", action="append", help="Run tests on matching platforms only", default=[], ) parser.addoption( "--platform-exclude-mask", action="append", help="Run tests on matching platforms only", default=[], ) parser.addoption( "--device-include-mask", action="append", help="Run tests on matching devices only", default=[], ) parser.addoption( "--device-exclude-mask", action="append", help="Run tests on matching devices only", default=[], ) parser.addoption( "--include-duplicate-devices", action="store_true", help="Run tests on all available devices and not only on uniquely named ones", default=False, ) parser.addoption( "--include-pure-parallel-devices", action="store_true", help="Include pure parallel devices (not supporting synchronization within a work group)", default=False, )
[docs]@lru_cache() def get_apis(config: pytest.Config) -> List[API]: """ Returns the list of APIs filtered by the test configuration. """ return API.all_by_shortcut(config.option.api)
_T = TypeVar("_T") def concatenate(lists: Iterable[List[_T]]) -> List[_T]: return sum(lists, [])
[docs]@lru_cache() def get_platforms(config: pytest.Config) -> List[Platform]: """ Returns the list of platforms filtered by the test configuration (concatenated for all filtered APIs). """ apis = get_apis(config) return concatenate( Platform.all_filtered( api, PlatformFilter( include_masks=config.option.platform_include_mask, exclude_masks=config.option.platform_exclude_mask, ), ) for api in apis )
@lru_cache() def get_device_sets( config: pytest.Config, unique_devices_only_override: Optional[bool] = None ) -> List[List[Device]]: if unique_devices_only_override is not None: unique_devices_only = unique_devices_only_override else: unique_devices_only = not config.option.include_duplicate_devices platforms = get_platforms(config) return [ Device.all_filtered( platform, DeviceFilter( include_masks=config.option.device_include_mask, exclude_masks=config.option.device_exclude_mask, unique_only=unique_devices_only, exclude_pure_parallel=not config.option.include_pure_parallel_devices, ), ) for platform in platforms ]
[docs]@lru_cache() def get_devices(config: pytest.Config) -> List[Device]: """ Returns the list of devices filtered by the test configuration (concatenated for all filtered platforms and APIs). """ return concatenate(get_device_sets(config))
[docs]@lru_cache() def get_multi_device_sets(config: pytest.Config) -> List[List[Device]]: """ Returns a list where each element is a list with two or more devices belonging to the same API and platform, where APIs, platforms, and devices are filtered by the test configuration. """ device_sets = get_device_sets(config, unique_devices_only_override=False) return [device_set for device_set in device_sets if len(device_set) > 1]
[docs]@pytest.fixture def api(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Iterator[API]: """ Yields the elements of the return value of :py:func:`~pytest_grunnur.get_apis`. """ yield request.param
[docs]@pytest.fixture def platform(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Iterator[Platform]: """ Yields the elements of the return value of :py:func:`~pytest_grunnur.get_platforms`. """ yield request.param
[docs]@pytest.fixture def device(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Iterator[Device]: """ Yields the elements of the return value of :py:func:`~pytest_grunnur.get_devices`. """ yield request.param
[docs]@pytest.fixture def context(device: Device) -> Iterator[Context]: """ A single-device context for each device yielded by :py:func:`~pytest_grunnur.plugin.device`. """ yield Context.from_devices([device])
[docs]@pytest.fixture def some_device(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Iterator[Device]: """ Yields one element of the return value of :py:func:`~pytest_grunnur.get_devices`. """ yield request.param
[docs]@pytest.fixture def some_context(some_device: Device) -> Iterator[Context]: """ A single-device context initialized with the return value of :py:func:`~pytest_grunnur.plugin.some_device`. """ yield Context.from_devices([some_device])
[docs]@pytest.fixture def multi_device_set(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> Iterator[List[Device]]: """ Yields the elements of the return value of :py:func:`~pytest_grunnur.get_multi_device_sets`. """ yield request.param
[docs]@pytest.fixture def multi_device_context(multi_device_set: List[Device]) -> Iterator[Context]: """ A multi-device context for each device set yielded by :py:func:`~pytest_grunnur.plugin.multi_device_set`. """ yield Context.from_devices(multi_device_set)
[docs]def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc: pytest.Metafunc) -> None: """ Seeds the parameters for the fixtures provided by this plugin (see the fixture list for details). """ apis = get_apis(metafunc.config) platforms = get_platforms(metafunc.config) devices = get_devices(metafunc.config) fixtures: List[Tuple[str, List[Any]]] = [ ("api", apis), ("platform", platforms), ("device", devices), ] for name, vals in fixtures: if name in metafunc.fixturenames: metafunc.parametrize( name, vals, ids=["no_" + name] if len(vals) == 0 else lambda obj: cast(str, obj.shortcut), indirect=True, ) if "some_device" in metafunc.fixturenames: metafunc.parametrize( "some_device", devices if len(devices) == 0 else [devices[0]], ids=["no_device"] if len(devices) == 0 else lambda device: cast(str, device.shortcut), indirect=True, ) if "multi_device_set" in metafunc.fixturenames: device_sets = get_multi_device_sets(metafunc.config) ids = ["+".join(device.shortcut for device in device_set) for device_set in device_sets] metafunc.parametrize( "multi_device_set", device_sets, ids=["no_multi_device"] if len(device_sets) == 0 else ids, indirect=True, )
[docs]def pytest_report_header(config: pytest.Config) -> None: """ Adds a header to the test report, listing all the GPGPU devices the tests are run on, including their short numerical IDs (appearing in the test parameters). """ devices = get_devices(config) if len(devices) == 0: print("No GPGPU devices available") else: print("Running tests on:") for device in sorted(devices, key=lambda device: str(device)): platform = device.platform print(f" {device}: {}, {}")