A py.test plugin for grunnur#

This package contains a collection of helpers useful for testing grunnur-based libraries and applications. See the Grunnur docs for more details about the main package.

Indices and tables#

Public API#

Py.Test hooks#

These are invoked automatically if you use pytest_grunnur as a py.test plugin.

pytest_grunnur.plugin.pytest_addoption(parser: Parser) None[source]#

Adds the following command-line options:

  • --api: select a specific API to test (out of returned by grunnur.all_api_ids()).

  • --platform-include-mask: run tests only on platforms whose names matches the mask.

  • --platform-exclude-mask: exclude platforms whose names matches the mask from the tests.

  • --device-include-mask: run tests only on devices whose names matches the mask.

  • --device-exclude-mask: exclude devices whose names matches the mask from the tests.

  • --include-duplicate-devices: if there are devices with the same name in the platform, run tests on all of them.

  • --include-pure-parallel-devices: include pure parallel devices in the tests (that is, those not supporting synchronization within a block/work group).

pytest_grunnur.plugin.pytest_report_header(config: Config) None[source]#

Adds a header to the test report, listing all the GPGPU devices the tests are run on, including their short numerical IDs (appearing in the test parameters).

pytest_grunnur.plugin.pytest_generate_tests(metafunc: Metafunc) None[source]#

Seeds the parameters for the fixtures provided by this plugin (see the fixture list for details).


pytest_grunnur.plugin.api(request: FixtureRequest) Iterator[API][source]#

Yields the elements of the return value of get_apis().

pytest_grunnur.plugin.platform(request: FixtureRequest) Iterator[Platform][source]#

Yields the elements of the return value of get_platforms().

pytest_grunnur.plugin.device(request: FixtureRequest) Iterator[Device][source]#

Yields the elements of the return value of get_devices().

pytest_grunnur.plugin.context(device: Device) Iterator[Context][source]#

A single-device context for each device yielded by device().

pytest_grunnur.plugin.some_device(request: FixtureRequest) Iterator[Device][source]#

Yields one element of the return value of get_devices().

pytest_grunnur.plugin.some_context(some_device: Device) Iterator[Context][source]#

A single-device context initialized with the return value of some_device().

pytest_grunnur.plugin.multi_device_set(request: FixtureRequest) Iterator[List[Device]][source]#

Yields the elements of the return value of get_multi_device_sets().

pytest_grunnur.plugin.multi_device_context(multi_device_set: List[Device]) Iterator[Context][source]#

A multi-device context for each device set yielded by multi_device_set().

Utility functions#

pytest_grunnur.get_apis(config: Config) List[API][source]#

Returns the list of APIs filtered by the test configuration.

pytest_grunnur.get_platforms(config: Config) List[Platform][source]#

Returns the list of platforms filtered by the test configuration (concatenated for all filtered APIs).

pytest_grunnur.get_devices(config: Config) List[Device][source]#

Returns the list of devices filtered by the test configuration (concatenated for all filtered platforms and APIs).

pytest_grunnur.get_multi_device_sets(config: Config) List[List[Device]][source]#

Returns a list where each element is a list with two or more devices belonging to the same API and platform, where APIs, platforms, and devices are filtered by the test configuration.

Version history#

0.2.2 (Unreleased)#

Under construction.

0.2.1 (5 Feb 2023)#


  • Switched back to static versioning.

0.2.0 (4 Feb 2023)#

All the fixtures are now explicitly defined.

0.1.0 (29 Jan 2023)#

Initial version